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Loxós is a collective of artists born in 2021 formed by Alice Massone (1998) and Edoardo Milo (1997). Alice and Edoardo studied respectively at the linguistic and artistic high school, but begin their artistic synergy in 2020, as they live and study photography together. They graduated in Photography at the IED in Milan, in the Faculty of Visual Arts, respectively in the years 2020 and 2021. Their personal artistic paths unfold in photographic research, always with influences from mixed arts such as cinema, 3D graphics, and multimedia art.

It is precisely the latter that combines the research of the collective with a production always with an analytical and 360° look on the topics covered. Alice’s creative process consists of bringing a situation or theme to another level of understanding where the objects and the interactions between them are the most conceptualized synthesis of the message; her area of interest focuses on informational art and bio art.The main part of Edoardo’s work,blend well with media art, photography and 3D printing. Edoardo explores the artistic world through the democratisation of the media and digital tools. As Loxós, Alice and Edoardo conceive photography as a starting point towards new visual dimensions through media art, bio art, information design , media design and comunication.

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